Sunday, April 22, 2012

Emerging Technology In Education

"Teaching will become a job, not a profession. Young people will typically spend a year or two as teachers, then move on to other, more rewarding careers. Federal and state policy will promote online learning, and computers will replace teachers. Online class sizes will reach 1:100, even 1:200; the job of monitoring the screens will be outsourced, creating large economies for state budgets." 

     When I first read the quote above, I felt saddened and afraid. I felt afraid because if this scenario would come to fruition, I would lose my job. Also, when I thought of some children growing up without teachers, I felt sad. Teaching is not just bossing kids around and lecturing to classes. Mentoring and creating positive relationships with students is a large part of teaching. Many people forget that teachers offer much more than content area knowledge. I was fortunate enough to have parents that cared, made sure I did my homework and made me feel that I was important. Unfortunately, all students do not have parents who take time out of their day to do those things. These students need teachers to take interest in their lives so they are more likely to succeed. Teaching and mentoring go hand and hand, and they are much more genuine and effective in a small classroom.

     Technology should not be seen as a threat to teaching.  The two need to work together. Additionally, the two need each other in order to be relevant in the 21st century. Teachers need the speed and eminent amount of information technology offers and technology needs teachers to teach digital citizenship and facilitate learning.

     In the very near future, I think we will see all students with an ipad or small lap-top throughout the school day. Many classes will spend over half of each class on the ipad or computer because they will replace books.  I think that classes that integrate technology will be collaborative, project-based and better prepare students for the work force. Lastly, making teachers irrelevant is a disservice to the students and will ultimately hurt society. Technology and teachers are not enemies and neither of them are going away. We need to learn how to combine the two for the benefit of students.

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